Africa International Missions

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Welcome to a Resource center of Life-changing Bible-study materials

The focus of this website is to bring to you the opportunity to access a vast treasure of Bible study materials for use in preaching and teaching the word of God.

Dr. Roger E. Dickson spent over a half century producing these materials. These Bible study resources were produced by Dr. Roger for the specific purpose that the Gospel that is found in the word of God be proclaimed throughout the world in ways – everyone can understand the true message.

You may feel free to make as many copies as you need without writing for our permission to copy and distribute from the website of (which is to enhance the educational resources of those who are actively preaching and teaching the word of God to people of faith around the world).

But, we are working on a format to make his teachings ideal for completing specific lessons and courses to procure a Certificate for your achievements in Bible Study. We invite your support and participation in all possible ways to fulfill it.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16, 17 (IKJV)

Dr. Roger E. Dickson was born on September 1, 1947 into the farming family of Edgar and Wanda Dickson of Stafford, Kansas, U.S.A. He is married to Martha Jane, having four children, Angella, Matthew, Cindy and Lisa.

Being of the spiritual heritage of Bible-students of central America, Dr. Dickson has continued the legacy of those who firmly believe that the Holy Spirit inspired Bible is our final authority in all matters of faith.

As an ardent student of the Bible who began his studies of the Bible in the early 1960s,Dr. Dickson has written a library of books, Bible study manuals, a commentary of each book of entire Bible, and an easy-to-read revision of the KJV – titled as “International King James Version” (IKJV) which is copyright free and can be used in print or online by anyone. His writings have influenced millions of people around the world for over five decades. His literary works have been published throughout the world and translated into several languages.

We invite volunteers, friends and partners to translate & print Dr. Roger’s books into many other languages. If you need copies of Dr. Roger E. Dickson’s books and Bibles, please do send an email to

The English material has been published on this website in order to encourage Bible study by those who are of the character of the Bereans who received the word of God upon the foundation of their desire to learn and obey the will of God (Acts 17:11). The purpose of this website is to establish a forum around which faithful Bible students can have their lives transformed by the writings of Dr. Roger Dickson and share with others.

It is the prayer of the Author and Publishing staff that everyone will investigate their Bibles in order to substantiate the application of God’s word and walking in ways pleasing to God everyday. Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians was, “Be imitators of me even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Dr. Dickson calls on everyone who investigates the writings of this website to do so with the spirit of focusing on the words of our Lord Jesus Christ as the final authority for spiritual leadership.

Discipleship is encouraged, therefore, through the investigation and obedience to the word of Christ. Lord Jesus Christ admonished, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples” (John 8:31). This is the prime objective of Dr. Dickson in the writing and promotion of his books in Print and online media.

Throughout his life, Dr. Dickson has based his studies on the objective of being a disciple of Jesus through the love and study of the word of God. Even through this website, we pray that you will join with Dr. Dickson in his quest to be a teacher of the word of God. You may not agree with all his conclusions, but at least you will have been challenged to study the Bible and get to know God and His ways better!

He has been a full-time student of the Bible for over fifty years, and thus, we challenge you to seriously consider his conclusions through your personal study of the Bible to grow to become an obedient and blessed child of God!

We thank God for all the supporters and friends who are working on this project to promote these good teachings and materials to understand God’s word better in today’s context.